
Thank you for visiting Speakers of Significance. We are a group which ispassionate about life, leadership, and encouraging people. There are far toomany people in America who want to be successful and far too few people whowant to be significant. We strive to be significant.

From a United States Olympian who overcame seemingly insurmountableodds to a Wounded Warrior who is overcoming devastating injuries to a world-class Paralympic athlete to legendary baseball and basketball coaches, weoffer amazing stories by amazing people. From a 27 year college educator whospecializes in diversity and leadership training to a 22 year high school andcollege student mentor who has sat down with over 2200 young people for ameal, we offer insight, impact, and inspiration. From a pastor of the largestchurch in San Antonio to a lifelong high school minister who has spoken in 49states and over 52 countries, we offer incredible hope for tomorrow. We areproud to introduce a future Eagle Scout who has never allowed cerebral palsy tocurb his enthusiasm for people or life.

Whether it is a conference keynote or workshop, banquet, retreat, teacher in-service, youth rally, church service, or a multitude of other venues, we offerspeakers who will make an impact in the lives of those in your audience.

All of our speakers are passionate about life, faith, and leadership and all havethe desire to captivate, motivate, and inspire your audience.We look forward to working with you.

Lopez Lomong

2012 U.S. Olympic Team, 2008 U.S. Olympic Team Flag Bearer

Surviving a childhood in a war-torn Sudan, Lopez shares his compelling journey to becoming an Olympian for the United States.

Debra McCoy

Faith & Family Fanatic

An "All-In" wife-mother-mentor, passionate about helping women grow relationships with their husbands, children and, most importantly, the Lord.

Roddy Chong

Virtuoso Violinist, Inspiring Speaker, Performance Specialist

Roddy is an extremely gifted talented musician and a dynamic speaker. Be inspired by his many talents.

Josh Davis

Five time Olympic Medalist, Motivational Speaker, Family Man

Josh is a champion in many facets of life: faith, family, balance, integrity, and athletics.